A week off

March 2, 2009 | Dr. Jeff Wells

A couple of blog posts ago I had predicted that the first spring migrant Turkey Vultures would arrive in Maine where I live by about Feb. 14-15. I left about that time for vacation but before I left I recorded an interview with Maine Public Radio about Audubon's recent report on how the ranges of many birds, including Turkey Vultures, are shifting north. That interview aired on Feb. 20 and, ironically enough, that was the date of the first Turkey Vulture sighting reported to the Maine Birding listserve. So I was only off in my prediction by about a week or a little less.

To read about or listen to my interview on Maine Public Radio click here: http://www.mpbn.net/News/MaineNews/tabid/181/ctl/ViewItem/mid/1858/ItemId/9430/Default.aspx

And to read an op-ed about the implications of the Audubon report for Boreal birds by International Boreal Conservation Science Panelists Terry Root and Pascal Badiou click below:




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