Donate to BSI
Thank you for supporting the Boreal Songbird Initiative. Your contribution helps our efforts to protect the boreal forest and the billions of birds that breed there.
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Please note that via the Donate links above, both PayPal and major credit cards are accepted for online donations. If you would prefer to send a check, please mail to:
Boreal Songbird Initiative1904 Third Avenue, Suite 305
Seattle, WA 98101 USA
- After any donation, you will receive a statement via email recording the tax-deductible donation you have made.
- You may donate from the U.S. or Canada; however, all donations are in American dollars.
Your donation today helps BSI:
- Encourage the Canadian government to pursue policies that preserve the boreal forest habitat necessary for our birds;
- Educate U.S. corporations to purchase products that are harvested from sustainably-managed boreal forests;
- Inform Americans about what each of us can do to help protect the boreal forest and the birds that breed there.
Together, we can help ensure that this global treasure is protected.
How you can help
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Add your voice to petitions and action alerts for campaigns that help boreal birds and the Canadian Boreal Forest.
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