U.S. Cities Birding Lists

The United States is a boreal bird's home away from home, with an estimated 1.5 billion boreal birds wintering in the U.S. each year. More boreal bird species winter in the U.S. Lower 48 than in any other country or region. Furthermore, the entire wintering population of several boreal bird species occurs only within the U.S.  In almost half the states (23), the official bird is a boreal bird.

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Boreal Birds of the Madison Area

The Madison area has 95 birds regularly seen that breed in the Boreal Forest. Some of these species winter in the US, many however migrate south to winter in Mexico, Central and South America.

Gull-like Birds
Species Fall Winter Spring Summer
Black Tern Fall Spring Summer
Herring Gull Fall Winter Spring
Hawk-like Birds
Species Fall Winter Spring Summer
Bald Eagle Fall Winter Spring
Golden Eagle Fall Spring
Merlin Fall Spring
Northern Goshawk Fall Winter Spring
Northern Harrier Fall Winter Spring Summer
Osprey Fall Spring Summer
Sharp-shinned Hawk Fall Winter Spring Summer
Species Fall Winter Spring Summer
Short-eared Owl Fall Winter Spring
Perching Birds
Species Fall Winter Spring Summer
Alder Flycatcher Fall Spring Summer
American Robin Fall Winter Spring Summer
American Tree Sparrow Fall Winter Spring
Bay-breasted Warbler Fall Spring
Belted Kingfisher Fall Winter Spring Summer
Black-throated Green Warbler Fall Spring Summer
Blackburnian Warbler Fall Spring
Blackpoll Warbler Fall Spring
Blue-headed Vireo Fall Spring
Canada Warbler Fall Spring Summer
Cape May Warbler Fall Spring
Chipping Sparrow Fall Spring Summer
Clay-colored Sparrow Fall Spring Summer
Connecticut Warbler Fall Spring
Dark-eyed Junco Fall Winter Spring Summer
Eastern Kingbird Fall Spring Summer
Fox Sparrow Fall Spring
Golden-crowned Kinglet Fall Winter Spring
Gray-cheeked Thrush Fall Spring
Hermit Thrush Fall Spring Summer
Le Conte's Sparrow Fall Spring
Least Flycatcher Fall Spring Summer
Lincoln's Sparrow Fall Spring
Magnolia Warbler Fall Spring
Mourning Warbler Fall Spring Summer
Nashville Warbler Fall Spring Summer
Northern Shrike Winter
Northern Waterthrush Fall Spring Summer
Olive-sided Flycatcher Fall Spring
Palm Warbler Fall Spring
Philadelphia Vireo Fall Spring
Purple Finch Fall Winter Spring
Red-eyed Vireo Fall Spring Summer
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Fall Spring
Rusty Blackbird Fall Winter Spring
Savannah Sparrow Fall Spring Summer
Swainson's Thrush Fall Spring
Swamp Sparrow Fall Spring Summer
Tennessee Warbler Fall Spring
White-crowned Sparrow Fall Spring
White-throated Sparrow Fall Spring Summer
Wilson's Warbler Fall Spring
Winter Wren Fall Spring Summer
Yellow Warbler Fall Spring Summer
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Fall Spring
Yellow-rumped Warbler Fall Spring
Long-legged Waders
Species Fall Winter Spring Summer
American Bittern Fall Spring Summer
Sandhill Crane Fall Spring Summer
Tree-clinging Birds
Species Fall Winter Spring Summer
Northern Flicker Fall Winter Spring Summer
Red-breasted Nuthatch Fall Winter Spring
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Fall Winter Spring Summer
Upland Ground Birds
Species Fall Winter Spring Summer
Common Nighthawk Fall Spring Summer
Duck-like Birds
Species Fall Winter Spring Summer
American Black Duck Fall Winter Spring Summer
American Wigeon Fall Spring
Blue-winged Teal Fall Spring Summer
Bufflehead Fall Spring
Canada Goose Fall Winter Spring Summer
Canvasback Fall Spring
Common Goldeneye Fall Winter Spring
Common Loon Fall Spring
Common Merganser Fall Spring
Greater Scaup Fall Spring
Green-winged Teal Fall Spring
Horned Grebe Fall Spring
Lesser Scaup Fall Spring
Mallard Fall Winter Spring Summer
Northern Pintail Fall Spring
Northern Shoveler Fall Spring
Pied-billed Grebe Fall Spring Summer
Redhead Fall Spring
Ring-necked Duck Fall Spring Summer
Sandpiper-like Birds
Species Fall Winter Spring Summer
Greater Yellowlegs Fall Spring
Killdeer Fall Spring Summer
Least Sandpiper Fall Spring
Lesser Yellowlegs Fall Spring
Solitary Sandpiper Fall Spring
Spotted Sandpiper Fall Spring Summer
Upland Sandpiper Fall Spring Summer
Wilson's Snipe Fall Spring Summer
Chicken-like Marsh Birds
Species Fall Winter Spring Summer
Sora Fall Spring Summer
Yellow Rail Fall Spring
Swallow-like Birds
Species Fall Winter Spring Summer
Bank Swallow Fall Spring Summer
Cliff Swallow Fall Spring Summer
Tree Swallow Fall Spring Summer