Provincial and Territorial Forest Facts
Explore Canada's Boreal Forest by Province and Territory to see what makes each part of the boreal forest special.
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Nunavut's Boreal Forest:
- is 107,000 km2 (26 million acres) in size – larger than the state of Maine.1
- comprises 2% of Canada's Boreal Forest.
- is the breeding ground for millions of birds of approximately 85 species, including Yellow-billed Loon, Short-eared Owl and Harris's Sparrow.
- is home to the Rock Ptarmigan, Nunavut's official bird.
- supports 1 million Barren ground caribou and large populations of other wildlife, including Grizzly bear, muskox, wolf, fox, lynx, moose and wolverine.2
- features the Thelon, the largest river in Nunavut, which flows into Hudson Bay, a boreal-Arctic oasis that supports a rich and diverse concentration of wildlife, including Musk ox, Grizzly bear, Tundra swan and Canada goose. Important fish species include Lake trout, Arctic grayling, Northern pike, Arctic char and several kinds of whitefish and cisco.
- features 106,000 km2 (26 million acres) of intact forest, peatland and wetland habitat free from industrial development, making up 99% of the province's boreal region.3
1 Canadian Boreal Initiative. 2003. Canada's Boreal Region.
2 The CircumArtic Rangifer Monitoring & Assessment Network. Accessed August, 2009.
3 Global Forest Watch Canada. 2009. Canada's Forest Landscape Fragments: A Second Approximation.