Word Travels Fast!

November 19, 2009 | Dr. Jeff Wells

Triangle Lake in northern Ontario
Credit: Jeff Wells

I wrote last week about our report we released titled "The Carbon the World Forgot", referring to the boreal forest, of course. You can read that post for more specifics in terms of the amount of carbon the boreal forest stores and why keeping it intact will be vital for species trying to adapt to the effects of climate change (especially for many migratory birds and caribou).

Birds like this Bay-breasted Warbler could use more protection
Credit: Jeff Nadler

The report got great press coverage, and we hope it is finally bringing some light to international scientists and leaders (as well as the equally-important public!) about the importance of protecting our world's great boreal forests. Boreal forests received another great boost when this letter below got published in the journal Nature, one of the world's leading scientific and environmental research publications:

Click above graphic to open

The scientists behind this letter poignantly highlighted that more needs to be done to protect both boreal and tropical forests to help mitigate the effects of climate change.

A fun snippet came when a Canadian Boreal Initiative staffer, Anne Levesque, who lives in Victoria, BC, was getting her hair done and overheard someone talking nearby about how Canada's Boreal Forest stores a lot of carbon, and that he had just heard it on the radio. The program was actually an interview I had with that station about the report - just shows how fast word travels!

I don't have a link to that broadcast, but I did another interview you can listen to below if you like - this was for the show The Link on Radio Canada International:

Listen (will open in your default media player - you can right-click and "save as" to download)



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