Archive: News

October 14, 2020
We are excited to welcome new Boreal Songbird Initiative board member Tim Richardson. Tim brings a wealth of experience and expertise in the fields of conservation and campaign management. He will...

December 19, 2018 | Jeff Wells
One of my delights as a teenager growing up in Maine was to watch the stream of Cliff Swallows that darted from their gourd-shaped nests under the eaves of the barn to search for the insects they fed...

October 22, 2018 | Jeff Wells
Billions of birds are right now flying south from Canada’s Boreal forest to wintering grounds from the U.S. to South America. While this incredible flow of life washes across our continent, news...

September 14, 2018 | Dr. Jeff Wells
A rare event will take place next week in Austria. What makes the occasion so remarkable is the coming together of hundreds of people from around the globe who study and care about the world’s Boreal...

February 27, 2018 | Dr. Jeff Wells
There is big news for us humans today. That’s because the Canadian government released a new budget that will do good things for the natural world that we, and all animals and plants, rely on for...

November 14, 2017 | Jeff Wells
Bright yellow and slate blue Canada warblers have been flying out of the boreal forest in the past few months heading south for the winter. These tiny songbirds are strong enough to make a thousand-...

November 3, 2017 | Dr. Jeff Wells
When it comes to birds, Quebec plays a critical role not just within Canada but across most of the Western Hemisphere. In large part thanks to its sizable amount of Boreal Forest—which has been...

May 12, 2017 | Dr. Jeff Wells
Each fall, billions of migratory birds pour south out of North America’s Boreal Forest after a summer of nesting and raising their young. But where exactly do they go? It’s a question that has...

February 2, 2017 | Dr. Jeff Wells
It’s World Wetlands Day today, Feb. 2nd, 2017.And could there be a more fitting place to remember during this celebration than the most wetland-...

November 23, 2016 | Jeff Wells
As you may have heard, Canada is primed to finally have a national bird. After 2 years of careful consideration, the Royal Canadian Geographic Society has officially endorsed the Gray Jay as its...