Recent Water News

September 15, 2010 | Dr. Jeff Wells

We wanted to share two recent items related to water issues in Canada’s Boreal Forest region that everyone should be aware of.

One is a striking video about the potential fate of a beautiful lake in British Columbia which, believe it or not, could be completely drained for mining purposes and then used as a place to out the poisonous mining leftovers. It’s short so take a look at it:

The other is an amazing piece of writing by author Chris Wood with incredible photos by photographer colleague Garth Lenz (I traveled with Garth on my first trip to the Northwest Territories - first blog entry here and subsequent blogs can be found by clicking the next entry link on the top) about Canada’s largest and most pristine river basin, the Mackenzie. The piece does an amazing job of explaining the whole story of the social and political struggles around the future of the Mackenzie and its tributaries and its massive lakes and deltas. It is a must read for anyone interested in conservation, First Nations, and politics. It's titled "The Last Great Water Fight":

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