Have you been naughty or nice?

December 22, 2011 | Dr. Jeff Wells

Audubon has a way to make the birds a little less angry this year
Borrowed from: Geekalerts.com website

While this question is typically posed to children to determine what sorts of presents they can anticipate over the holidays, most of us would infer it’s a little more complicated than that. Regardless of which side you think you’ve leaned toward this past year, however, there’s a great way and fun way to tilt that scale a little more in favor of the ‘nice’ side.

Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count (CBC) occurs every year and, for those of you less familiar, is intended to compile data on bird movements and occurrences throughout North America. It’s not just a fun little social media experiment (although they usually do have some interesting maps and graphics as a result), this information goes a long way toward better understanding birds and how we can help them. For example, in the 1980s researchers used data from CBCs to document the decline of the American Black Duck, resulting in several conservation measures to ease hunting pressures on the species.

To participate, all you have to do is find a circle (basically a team of volunteers that scan a specific area) on their registration page, sign up (registration is only $5), and show up on time at the stated meet up location. Organizers will often post additional comments or instructions. It’s a great excuse to get outside, see some amazing birds, meet other birders, and tip that karma scale a little more back in your favor!



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