September 1, 2010 | Dr. Jeff Wells
  Lesser Yellowlegs heavily rely on the Gulf Coast for wintering habitat Credit: Glen Tepke We've posted a couple times on the likely effects the Gulf oil spill will have on migratory birds (here and...
August 27, 2010 | Dr. Jeff Wells
Green-winged Teal Credit: Tye Gregg, Ducks Unlimited You might recall we did a post a while back on the negative impacts the Gulf Coast oil spill could have on migratory birds. We recently submitted...
August 19, 2010 | Dr. Jeff Wells
Credit: Jeff Wells My trip to the place the Innu call Mushuanipi on the George River in the Innu lands of northern Quebec was amazing! Flying for seven hours in a small Cessna float plane from near...
August 16, 2010 | Dr. Jeff Wells
Some of our friends at the Canadian Boreal Initiative (our Canadian partner and ally) recently embarked on a trip to Labrador's Boreal Forest. Specifically, they were visiting the newly announced...
August 9, 2010 | Dr. Jeff Wells
Hi all - I thought I would provide you with a brief update from Jeff about his trip up to Northern Quebec this week (he tried to write something before heading up but packing and last-minute details...
August 6, 2010 | Dr. Jeff Wells
A little over a week ago we posted an update from Ron Pittaway, who has been writing up the bird counts from Jean Iron up in in the James Bay region of Canada and posting them on the Ontario Birding...
August 2, 2010 | Dr. Jeff Wells
While this Canada Goose lives and migrates in the wild, certain sub-populations have sprung up in urban areas and have become quite the nuisance. Credit: Ashley Hockenberry While most Canada Geese...
July 21, 2010 | Dr. Jeff Wells
Correction: We originally posted that the following report was written by Jean Iron. It was written by Ron Pittaway based on communications with Jean via satellite phone. The original post was...
July 19, 2010 | Dr. Jeff Wells
Our friend and member of the International Boreal Conservation Science Panel Dr. John Jacobs, Professor of Geography at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, recently took a trip to some remote...
July 14, 2010 | Dr. Jeff Wells
Take a quick guess – what is the most protected large forest landscape in the world? Credit: Garth Lenz Hint: It’s not the mighty Amazon, and it’s not the humid tropical forests painted across much...

