Cornell update from Ontario

July 13, 2009 | Dr. Jeff Wells

More follow-up (read first entry here) from Cornell's Matt Medler who sent this note on Saturday fromWilderness North's Striker's Point Lodge on Whitewater Lake in northern Ontario:

"The weather has been bad since I arrived--strong wind and strong wind & rain--so I haven't been able to get outside much. I did have some good birds yesterday--two countersinging Olive-sided Flycatchers, several Gray Jays, two Boreal Chickadees, lots of Common Goldeneye, Bonaparte's Gulls (and Herring Gulls), and the more common forest songbirds.  Nothing spectacular (like Spruce Grouse), but not bad for my limited time out in the field.  I did scout out a way to set up my stereo system where the Olive-sided Flycatchers were singing yesterday, and I intended to go and record there in the pre-dawn this morning, but the 15-20 mph winds at 4 am put a damper on those plans.  I will try again tomorrow at that same spot, hoping that the forecast for more strong winds is wrong..."



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