A Bit of Good News

August 12, 2009 | Dr. Jeff Wells

Image borrowed from greenpeace.org  

Sometimes it seems like positive stories about the environment are few and far between, but today a bit of good news: Kimberly-Clark, maker of Kleenex, Scott, and Cottonelle, announced it will finally update its environmental policy regarding logging and forestry practices. For years, Kimberly-Clark has used pulp from virgin, intact Boreal forests to make their paper products.

Part of this announcement is that by the year 2012, Kimberly-Clark will only buy pulp from the Canadian Boreal Forest that is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, widely viewed as the leading sustainable forestry certification process in Canada. This is a huge victory not only for the forest itself, but also for environmental campaigns that have been pushing for Kimberly-Clark to adopt more sustainable practices - most notably Greenpeace, who organized the Kleercut campaign that successfully lobbied Kimberly-Clark into updating their standards.

It's also a victory for all the everyday citizens who signed petitions, sent letters, and called Kimberly-Clark over the years urging them to adopt better practices. Without that, it's unlikely Kimberly-Clark would have taken the campaign seriously. While it's easy to wonder whether your voice is being herd, here's a concrete: y-e-s!

If you have a minute, please continue being herd by sending a thank you letter to Kimberly Clark about their forestry practices.

I thought I would post this video from Greenpeace about Kimberly-Clark's announcement. Below that are a list of articles for your viewing pleasure...

Here are some articles on the announcement: 

-Montreal Gazette

-Toronto Star

-New York Times 

-Washington Post

-Reuters (reprinted in other publications)

-Canadian Press (reprinted in other publications)

-Le Devoir (in Quebec)

-La Presse (in Quebec)

-Sueddeutsche - (largest newspaper in Germany)



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