Early Arrivals?

March 21, 2012 | Dr. Jeff Wells

Recent warm temperatures are causing some birds to migrate early.
Credit: Garth Lenz

Across New England and southeastern Canada we are experiencing incredibly warm March temperatures—today (March 21) it is nearly 80 degrees F in Maine (that’s about 26 Celsius) when normally we might expect temperatures perhaps in the 40-50 F range!

Birds have been arriving early in many parts of the northeast including here in Maine as you can read here:

A Birder’s Take on Signs of Spring in Maine:

Please let us know if you are seeing any differences in arrival dates of birds in your area.

Of course, climate change is having and will continue to have expected and unexpected major implications for birds other wildlife and the people of the boreal region and whether or not this current very warm weather is a sign of things to come, the trend is clear.

Here are some links to background about climate change and birds in Canada and more broadly:

Our BSI webpage on Climate Change and Birds:

Nature Canada’s Climate Change and Birds:

Delta Marsh, Manitoba study of spring arrival dates of birds:

Impacts of Climate Change to Wildlife in Ontario:

Natural Resources Canada 2001 annotated bibliography on effects of climate change on birds:

Use of Cornell and Audubon’s Ebird data to study arrival dates of birds:

Book chapter co-authored  by International Boreal Science Panelist Terry Root on Implications of Climate Change for Wildlife:

Long-distance migrants may be most impacted in very seasonal habitats:



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