Submit Your Best in this Photo Contest

March 29, 2010 | Dr. Jeff Wells

Per Breiehagen positions himself for a shot during our birding expedition in northern Ontario in 2008, which resulted in a great feature article in Audubon Magazine about birds and the paper industry. I also documented the trip in several posts, beginning with this one.
Credit: Eddie Nickens

There's a wonderful new photo contest being held by the new community birding site We Love Birds. From now until April 12, the folks at We Love Birds will be accepting photos of wild birds and will share the results with everyone on Aprill 22 (Earth Day).

I highly encourage any of you with good looking shots of wild birds to submit your best (1 submission per participant). You must be a member of the site to participate, but don't let this hold you back if you aren't yet...joining is easy and you might enjoy the cool features of being a member!

See contest rules and submission instructions >



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